Initial Setup

To start:

  • Download R and R Studio.

  • Download quartro ( This is used to generate the report.

  • Download the “Paradata Module”

    • The zipfile contains all the folders and source codes needed to conduct the paradata analysis. Extract the zipfile to a folder of your choice.

Main Project Folder

To access the project, click on the start_here_paradata_analysis which will open an Rstudio project and set the directory to the project location. There are 5 files and folders in the project as shown below.

Figure 1: Inside the Main Folder
  • start_here_paradata_analysis.Rproj: opens the project in R-Studio. Open the project to start the analysis.

  • README: contain basic information about the project.

  • create_report.R: This is the main R-code that users will need to modify and run to generate the final report.

  • R: folder contains all the Rcodes used in create_report.R

  • data: contains folder related to data such as the main paradata folder an

R Folder

The R folder contains 4 R-script files that is used in create_report.R. Users do not need to modify any of the scripts below and can focus instead on modifying create_report.R. Descriptions of the files are provided below in case needed.

Figure 2: Inside the R Folder
  • load_requirements.R: Install and call on all the necessary packages needed for the codes to run.

  • 0_extract_and_clean_paradara1.R: Automatically opens and clean paradata, calculate interview time between events, trim outliers (set to 1% of interview length), and automatically assign module name based on survey metadata.

  • 0_extract_and_clean_paradara2.R: Create team data, clean up individual-level interviews, and save final cleaned paradata to Data -> 04_created folder.

  • Paradata_Report.qmd: Take the cleaned paradata and generate a report using quatro. Final output will be in Data -> 04_created folder.

Data Folder

Any dataset needed or created will be in this folder.

Figure 3: Inside the Data Folder
  • 01_paradata: Zipfiles containing paradata downloaded from Survey Solutions should be put here.

  • 02_metadata: Metadata (json file) downloaded from Survey Solutions should be put here.

  • 03_microdata: Any dataset from the survey microdata or any other data inputs should be put here.

  • 04_created: Cleaned paradata and the final report can be found here.