Tool 1 Module Stats


The Paradata Module Stats Tool consists of a folder system with R-scripts that users can run to generate an interactive report with descriptive summary tables of paradata by modules, teams, and interviewers.

The final report can be used by survey practitioners for:

  1. Comparing descriptive statistics of interview time by modules and teams.
    • Identify whether certain modules or teams are running interviews too fast or too slow.
    • Analyze the variation of interview length within a team to check for consistency in administration of the survey.
    • Use information on interview length to make decisions on fieldwork time allocation.
  2. See the overall distribution interview times by modules.
    • Make sure that modules are being administered consistently across teams and where additional training is needed.

Example Output Report

Below is a report generated using generated fake paradata statistics of 100 households, 5 interviewers, and 2 teams. Note that patterns observed are random and do not mimic actual paradata module statistics.

See Example Full Report here. Go to the download tab to access the folder system, code, and information for preparing the report.