Tool 2 Multilevel Model


The Paradata Multilevel Model Tool consists of a folder system with R-scripts that users can run to generate an interactive report that provides estimation of how much do interviewer variation affects interview time.

The final report can be used by survey practitioners for:

  1. Ranking module by the total variance of interview time, variance of residual, and ICC interview effects based on a multilevel model framework.

  2. Use this initial ranking to identify whether additional interview training is needed to reduce the variation in interview time.

    • Large variation of interview time may be necessary when resources are constraint (monetary or time).
    • Large variation of interview time could indicate that enumerators are administering the survey inconsistently.

Example Output Report

Below is an example report generated using a paradata from an LSMS+ dataset.

See Example Multilevel Model Report here. Go to the download tab to access the folder system, code, and information for preparing the report. The data is confidential and thus are not included in the folder system.