
Technical Reports (Non-Peer Reviewed)

Working Papers

  • Is There a Gendered Parenthood Penalty in Indonesian Labor Markets with Johanna Fajardo-Gonzalez and Fernando Rios-Avila.

  • Pandemic Scars: Tracking Changes in Job Type and Productivity in Indonesia with Daniel Halim and Ririn Purnamasari.

  • Measuring the Gender Wealth Gap: Do Men and Women Report Different Values for Property? with Cheryl Doss, Naomi Crowther, Gayatri Koolwal, and Talip Kilic.

  • Individual Wealth and Time Use: Evidence from Cambodia with Talip Kilic, Gayatri Koolwal, and Heather Moylan. World Bank Working Paper Series (2021)

  • Validating Concepts of Outside Options, Control, and Preference in Asset Ownership using MAGNET Tools with Cheryl Doss, Maria Hernandez de Bonito, Marya Hillesland, and Heather Moylan.

  • Explaining the Female Labor Employment Gap across Castes and Religions in India